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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  January 9, 2010 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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that is wrap. start to our style icons, judy, rich and douglas kennedy. i'm jon scott. see you next week. glenn: you're going to see some things tonight onto television that people in the media think don't exist, but they do exist and it's time for them to be heard. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute glenn: oh, that was kind of cool. i never seen that before! hello, america! tonight we have a special "time to be heard." the idea of this program came when i was speaking to my friend charles payne. he was on my show. when did you tell me the story about the briefcase? >> about a month and a half ago. glenn: he cried like a baby on my show. that's my gig, man! i asked charles to take me to where he grew up in new york.
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he showed me a neighborhood in harlem where he used to live, the neighborhood where other african-american kids used to beat him up for talking white, or wanting a briefcase because he always wanted to be a businessman or wearing nice clothes. charles shared his story with me and i want to show you a little bit of it. >> this is different than what it was when you were growing up? >> oh absolutely. just trees, grass, some of the beautification stuff they're doing right now. this was an an empty lot for at least a decade, and we used to throw rocks all the time. glenn: you said this is really what it felt like when you lived here trvetion more like this? >> yeah, you had these kinds of buildings, two or three of them on each block, or you had lots that were totally empty, and for a long time. glenn: and you lived in that building when you first moved to har hem, one room? >> me, my mother, my two brothers all lived in one room. >> how hold were you? >> we got here when i was 12
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or 13. >> and you wanted to be a businessman. you're the one in the dress shirt. you wanted to be that from a little kid. >> from when i was a little kid i wanted to abyssnessman. we had two rooms. my mother and father had a room and me and my brothers shared a room. looking out the window listening to one of those old japanese radios. this is where, like, to give you an example, the building was like, oh, man, it was really tough. we had no locks on the building. anytime you walked in there would be someone, maybe a wino, occasionally a drug addict so you would have to step up that person to walk up four or five flights of stairs. it was obviously shocking just culture shock. we had a lot of fights in this school here, but definitely, it was tough because there was
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this real weird thing like, you know, if you spoke a certain way and were trying to be white or act white, oh, we got in a lot of trouble for our clothes, for wearing the wrong clothes. glenn: so you got a briefcase. >> right. glenn: what happened? >> well, i got it for christmas. i so was happy when i got it, and then the great thing about it was i got a bonus gift. when i opened it up, there was a calculator in there, too, so to say the least, that was a great christmas for me, and you know, i would walk and take it to school, and one day, i left it in my homeroom class. it was a plastic briefcase, and it had a little cheap lock, and i come back and it's cracked open, and it just blew me away, because my mother worked so hard. i worked hard. i started working almost as soon as we got here. we had nothing. there was a store on the corner. that was my first job. when i didn't have money for
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that and needed more money, right here at this corner, i would buy paper towels and windex and clean windshields and when people stopped, for whatever they would give me. i packed my bags and would grab a shovel and go store to store and say can i shovel your snow? i was the oldest so i was thrust into sort of responsibility. glenn: where did you go to college? >> minot state college in north dakota and central texas college. i went through the air force to q. to college. that was one of the only ways you could get out of here if you didn't play professional sports or at least that was one of the only ways i thought you could get out of here. that's one of the big problems now is within a lot of black communities, that the thought is limited that you can only get out through rapping or being a professional athlete, and no one really talked about going through academics and things like that. glenn: did you vote for obama? >> i did.
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glenn: why? >> i was torn. i voted for him and then i voted all republican. i was torn -- i did it mostly out of sense of obligation to grow the part of martin luther king and people who grew up through alabama and i got to be honest with you. the president is getting a free pass within the black community on so many things. where are the jobs? what are you doing for the little people? we're supposed to have a trickle up economy. i remember those words. glenn: i do, too. >> you don't trickle up when you give a.i.g. billions and goldman sachs billions. glenn: so what do we do? >> i am hoping that somehow the kids, balls it's always about the youth, that the kids will be able to look around and say this president obama, a guy who made
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it and i want to use his footprint and he made it through education. he is a wonderful speaker. he has a great education. that, to me, is ultimately how to turn all of this around. glenn: charles, i was -- i'm puzzled not just by your life experience as an african-american kid where, you know, you get beat up for wanting to excel. i think this -- we open it up to everybody here, i think this is happening to all of america, where we're being told now you can't make it and somebody's got to be there to help equalize everything. i think we're headed towards really dangerous territory. >> i have to agree 1,000%. when you look at the role models for kids, and again, it doesn't matter what the color. the message is that, you know what? it is like the dumber you are, the better chance you have of getting a reality t.v. show or
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landing a record contract. glenn: wait a minute that. doesn't speak kindly for me! i have my own show. it's worked for me, america! come on in! >> but really, if americans aren't afraid right now, then they have their head in the sand, and the real sad problem is all these influences, all these pop culture influences, they is a lot more influences over the kids than the parents do, so you can imagine if it is a single parent busting their butt trying to pay the rent, but that's the reality. this is why america is on a slippery slope right now. glenn: who thinks we're headed towards socialism? >> oh, absolutely. >> you think we're there? >> yeah, we're there. glenn: what i'm trying to understand is if the government is playing dad, and he's going to equalize absolutely everything, and if i'm the dad,
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and i got two brothers and let's say one is successful and one is not successful, and i teach the brother who is not successful and really isn't trying and for whatever reason, the dad is just going to equalize and take from the brother who is doing well and keep giving it to the other brother, at some point, don't both bothers give up? don't they both just -- because one is saying request am i working so hard because you are giving it to him and the other doesn't have to work. >> we fight for our right to be individuals. socialism kills the spirit of the individual, your right to dream, your right to say this is who i am, your briefcase, and collectively people have melted together and been thought of monolythically. now we're going to say i'm going to fight for my right to have a briefcase. i want to be a chef. i don't want to be a rapper or a football player.
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my dream might be to be a painter. >> by the way, there are more millionaire chefs than there are millionaire rappers out there by the way. glenn: really? wow. maurice, you voted for barack obama. >> yes, i did. glenn: but you think we're headed towards socialism? >> in some ways. >> am i the only one up here who did not vote for barack obama? how can this happen? ok. glenn: i have to say, i'm reading -- i don't know if anybody has read this book yet "america's prophets." it is actually about moses. it's fantastic. i'm not done with t just last night, i was about halfway through, and it talks about the underground railroad, and i have to tell you the african-american experience is overwhelming, just overwhelming, and i think if the
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roles were reversed and i saw the first white guy to be president, even if i disagreed with him, unless i thought he was the anti-christ, i might go you know what, i want the guy to win, just let's break that barrier. i think there is something to be said for that. >> but, glenn -- sorry. apparently not. i didn't vote for barack obama just because he was an african-american. glenn: sure. >> i voted for barack obama because i felt he was the best candidate that was running and the issues that he was running on, which was change. i felt in my heart that -- glenn: we got that! >> i felt in my heart that he would be the best person to run are the country. >> i think we're beyond that itch history and everything we have been through and the struggles we have overcome and the values that our ancestors set for us, i couldn't allow myself to vote for him for that
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very reason. i felt like he should not represent me and what i was taught to be. i was waffling, but when the jeremiah wright thing came out, that wasn't who i am, and i felt like i was past the point where i had to, you know, play up to the fact that oh, i'm doing this because he's black and he looks nice, and he went to harvard and his wife. i didn't fall for that. i thought, you have to stand up, and you have to represent us the way we expect you to. you have to rise our level. glenn: how many people here identify themselves as african-americans. >> black, black. >> it's interchangeable. glenn: why not identify yourselves as americans? >> because you're black, you can't escape that. glenn: but i don't identify myself as a white american. >> i love being black. i embrace that. i don't embrace the african part
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because i was born here. my great grand parents were born here. thank god we come here and landed here and triumphed here and overcame here but i don't consider anything about me african. >> it is a revolution from the n word, so if we are going to be called anything, versus what we were called, my preference would be african-american. glenn: this is one of the problems that i have, and i have to tell you, as a white guy -- i'm just being real honest with you, as a white guy, white people are run comfortable sometimes say saying, you know what, martin luther king, and then quoting martin luther king because it is almost as if society says, no, no, no, that's your guys not our guy. it shouldn't be that way. martin luther king wasn't it a dream that we are all judged by the content of our character? >> the content of our character. the very thing that god gave us to hold us together is the very
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thing that tears us apart. it's race. it a part of socialism as well. america and why america is great, god bless it is because it is ameritocracy. you don't see affirmative action in sports, in football and basketball. glenn: go ahead. >> picking up on what my colleague just mentioned, and echoing lisa, what we have in america is animal ga mation of people who have joined together as one who have joined together as one, that being americans and when we add hyphenations into that, irrespective, and certainly abbey thurston, i applaud her, a great scholar, but i disagree we are americans and to say it is perfectly ok to interchange one for the other with your color or whether you're black.
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i'm an american first. when i walked into the studio, i did not walk in as black. i did not walk in as black anything. i walked in as michael, an american. that allows me to become comfortable within myself. i owe no one nothing but myself. did i get up and work today? did i give something to my community? did i do something to enhance what i do, work-wise and so forth. >> others don't say i'm chinese or french american or anything else. glenn: please. >> i want to get to barack. a lot of people voted for barack. i think they didn't vote for him because he was black, because once you become conservative you are no longer black and we know what that's about. glenn: i'm going to come back to you. how many people here have, first -- you don't necessarily want to be seen on television on this program or on fox news or a
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conservative -- i mean, how many people here, by a show of hands, have experienced anything like i'm a sellout to my race or? ok. back to khalid. go ahead. >> i was going to say that. ken blackwell ran for governor of ohio. he did not get any support. why, because he is a raging conservative. he was the wrong party, so a lot of people it is not about race. democrats trump race when it comes to african-american votes. >> that's why we actually lost. for me, personally, the reason why i came, no disrespect to mr. massey, but when people say, oh, well, i'm not about the racial thing, what color are you when you have to deal with the police? realistically, stuff is going to happen, so personally -- not to argue with you brother, but personally why i came is i would
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like to change the image of what black and conservative actually means. i think a lot of times what we're all doing as a group -- i love everybody here, because we got to fight to struggle. i'm a conservative. what i hate is i kind of see everybody going -- obama ain't nothing and then they will go -- it is almost like playing the victim and they will say here is my book. it is almost like that's the mob. glenn: i don't understand what you're saying. what do you mean? >> i think, not to dis the brother on the panel, but almost it is like playing the victim card like i think people beat you up because they perceived you as weak. >> no, no, he was a black man with a beef case! glenn: order in the courtroom here. >> the brother on the panel has to say something about. that. >> i have never been weak. no, no. >> you look a little white. >> no, no.
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they saw me as being different, ok, and it wasn't a matter of being weak. it was a matter that it was me and my brothers versus maybe 20, 30 people, but the main point is that this is not something that was isolated. there is a serious problem within the black community in keeping it real, and if you do speak proper english, you are going to have a problem, and if you do get straight a's, you are going to have a problem. let me tell you right now, my man, let me tell you something right now, if we keep lying about it, it will never change! glenn: hang on just a second. i don't think iman american. i feel like i'm in parliament!
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glenn: i want you to he know, knob none of these people actually exist. that's what the media would have you believe, conservatives that are african-american. there any democrats here? maurice. maurice. and reverend, what surname? >> harry jackson.
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glenn: harvey jackson, how are you? and you're a registered democrat. >> if you want a vote that counts, it is going to be in the primary, but i am a conservative based on my christian faith and the social issues of our day. i believe they most align with christianity, the conservative approach to the world, and i like the idea that they are principles that you should guide yourself by and the value of the individual is, i believe, intrinsically a christian value. glenn: i would agree with you. >> republicans are conserve dives. black people were able to move up because of republican values which is linked to christianity. had we been liberal during the civil rights movement, nobody would have done anything. could. glenn: hang on. i want to play some audio tape and then i want to ask you guys watch this and read this and listen carefully.
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this is from detroit. tell me where this comes from, because i don't even recognize this attitude. play this. >> why are you here? >> to get some money. >> what kind of money? >> obama money. >> where is it coming from snr. >> obama. >> where did obama get it? >> i don't know. his fans. i don't know. i don't know where he got it from, but he's giving it to us. we love him! that's why we voted for him! obama! obama! glenn: i mean, free money. where does that attitude -- how do you get there? >> well, it has been baked into us over the years. i think education is the biggest piece that mays in it. we're trapped in our schools, trapped in these bad neighborhoods, kids walking through metal detectors learning about gun battles an gang banging and sex and dancing and things like that and not putting the ream focus on education. if they ever go back and look at where our core is, i mean, when i grew up, my folks stressed
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education. they stressed learning about why we were giving our votes to the democrats and so on and so forth, and i think education is the word. >> here is the other thing about that -- glenn: hang on. >> here is the other thing about that, because when i saw that a few weeks ago, my head phone exploded, but this is what is going on in a lot of urban communities which is very unfortunate. we have a president in the white house who is pushing plantation politics. that's what i call it. you are going to have more of this with people standing around waiting to be helped. these people are waiting for money to pay their utility bills. glenn: don't get me wrong. i think this is in the inner cities. hang on just a second. i think this is in the inner cities but i don't think this is a black problem. this is a black/white problem. this is going to happen all across the country. >> i call them plantation politics. obama is pushing for cap and trade, for example, which is a tax on energy.
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these people were standing in line to get money to pay their utility bills. he said that energy prices will skyrocket through my cap and trade plan. how is that helping anyone? how is that helping the economy? >> my name is brandon brice and i will tell you how it is happen happening. i'm a community organizer in harlem and i'm from detroit. this is a grassroots issue. we got to talk about this issue with the average everyday american in these low-income communities and moving forward, we have to break down what cap and trade means. most americans don't understand what cap and trade means. they understand that their energy bim or their heating bill is going to rise and that is a direct issue with the african-american community. glenn: wait a minute. but in the lower-income communities, there is a whole program within the cap and trade bill where you're going to get a subsidy. it doesn't matter, you are going to get it for free. >> i think i'm opposed because
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of this. my mother is from the soviet union and i was born in the ussr. my grandfather was a lifelong member of the communist party of the ussr. my grandfather, got bless his soul, backed the same policies as barack obama. there is no way i will come to america where i can be anything i want to be and all i have to do is try and have a guy in the white house who says, listen, all you have to do is sit back, relax and we're going to redistribute your wealth. that is nonsense! i mean, people who want that need to move to france, to cuba, to wherever not here! glenn: right here, ma'am. i can't see your name from here. >> shah keer ravment. glenn: how are you. >> i'm shakira. i grew up in the bronx. i'm going to grow up where that type of mentality comes from and how it ties into socialism that. mentality comes from everybody gets help. the banks don't have any money. obama goes into his stash and they have money now. so it's very easy for someone to see well, see, when the banks
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were broke, he helped them. i'm broke, he'll help me. that's where that type of thought is coming from. that's an embarrassment to think this is happening here, but the idea that government somehow makes things happen, that they make money come out of nowhere when people need it, it is here. glenn: hold on just a second. what did you just say? >> i said these policies are racist. >> thank you, thank you! glenn: slow down. >> we have to expose the diabolical agenda of liberalism. it is corrupting the black community. i used to think it was well intentioned but misguided. when you eade a statistic that shows you that 90% of blaj children are going to at some point in their life receive food stam 7 pes and the liberals support this, the idea of giving black kid vouchers to go to a better school and lift
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themselves out of that cycle, how can you not be a conservative? the more we expose the evil and cruelty that this is, then people will wake up. this woman is a slave. glenn: hold on. we'll be back in just a second. a @gsi÷q÷qxxqp
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in 1977, an 8-year-old boy picked up the game of golf from his father. the odds of that same boy then making it to the u.s.
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and european pro-golf tours? 1 in 7 million. the odds of the "big easy" winning the u.s. open once twice? 1 in 1.2 billion. the odds of him having a child diagnosed with autism? 1 in 150. ernie els encourages you to learn the signs at i'm rick folbaum. a suspected terrorists escaping judge today. pleading not guilty that he flew to pakistan to get terror training from al-qaeda. he is one of two men arrested yesterday with ties of an expected terrorist. >> new and disturbing visions pictures of a man that blew himself up. he calls for more attacks on
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u.s. interests on aadvantage the death of a pakistan taliban leader that was killed in a missile strike. >> plus, harry reid apologizes to president obama and all african-americans for some controversial comments that are just coming to light. more on that story at the top the story. ail see you tonight at 6:00 for america's news headquarters. now back to glenn beck. 4 glenn: people make fun of me that i say i'm concerned about my country and i'm concerned about the descreks we're headed in -- about the direction we're headed in. we're spending out of control and we're teaching people that there's free stuff everywhere. the one thing that i don't see and i don't -- and it's because, i guess, the way i was raised that i don't understand.
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my grandfather, i believe, had a second grade education. he was a machinist, and he worked at boeing, and he was the head guy for the -- when they had a tough part to make, he couldn't read the plans, but they would explain it to him and say exactly, ed, this is the problem we're having, we have to have this made and he was the guy who did it. i was taught and i was raised you can do anything. you can make it. you can do anything, and i have. now i don't understand. it doesn't seem like we're teaching any more in any community you can do it. gordon, do you agree or disagree? >> well, i agree with you. i'm elected mayor of merisol, new york, and one thing that i dislike to hear that i am a black mayor, just like certain people are saying barack is a black president. i like to say that i am a
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qualified mayor, not a black mayor. i get it all the time where my village is, and to say the president is -- that people vote for barack because he's a black man, i don't agree with that. i'm a republican. i think he was the better candidate. i think he had better vision, and that's why i did go with barack. glenn: hang on just a second. hang on! hang on! hang on! if you are a bunch of conservatives you are lying to me if you thought that john mccain was sweet jesus man from heaven. all right. go ahead. >> mccain, i thought, would be the same george bush. i thought barack had the better vision, and, i mean, i just
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didn't want -- glenn: do you still agree with that? >> as a mayor, i was elected two years ago, and i'm falling in the same position as barack is. you know something? i have been in office, from day one being in office, and just like the president. you know, he's only been there a year. glenn: don't give me this man has not accomplished anything. he has a accomplished plenty! >> he has only been in a year and look at what he is facing. the deficit and the budget is out of control. haw come on! glenn: hold on! you're not going to need me any more, america. i'm just going to let 'em go, next! quality and reliability...
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glenn: all right. when last we left our audience, we were having a conversation, and i'm sorry, who was the nut job that said that it was bush that was spending. gordon. this is why i disagree with john mccain. it is not republicans or democrats. they're both progressives. they're both spending us into oblivion. we're having marxists and marxist-light or progressive and progressive light. >> that's what people miss about the tea party movement. they think it just started with barack obama. it did not. they saw this within the past ten years. even if you go back it to the african-american community sliding left, it has been going on for 40, 50 years and now it
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is a wren scwaitional occurrence where people have to reeducate themselves as to what america is truly about. glenn: how many people are reading more about the founding of our country and really looking in and doing soul searching on this is who we are snr. >> go ahead. >> mr. beck, i just wanted to review barack obama's ord for his initial year. glenn: ok. >> he ran as a pragmatic moderate. i can understand his charisma. after the weariness of the bush years sold people on him to a certain extent. his race did play a certain factor because people wanted to see martin luther king's dream realized. in the past year, $800 billion passed, and we're on track for $9 trillion in deficits for the next decade. we should obliterate everything that george w. bush ever dreamed of. glenn: but again, john mccain would have been for cap and trade and universal healthcare
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and amnesty. it's the same stuff. >> at a much slower pace. glenn: this was my -- yes, but this was my -- hang on just a second. you just said he would have listened to the conservative grassroots. when? when has the republican party -- you're a tea party member. how many people have gone to a tea party? all right. so, you know what? i have to tell you something. the tea party movement, you've got republicans who are saying, you know, you guys are out of control, you're going to destroy the party. well, you know what? maybe the parties, both, plural, need to be destroyed or at least re-set. [applause] >> you look at my city in charlotte, north carolina, you have tea partygoers who became candidates an ran through the general election. you find the tea party movement having more of an influence there. they are no able to discount
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that as much as they were in april or march. i will be speaking on saturday in raleigh, north carolina, yet another party. this is going to be something that goes on. glenn: he has caught on to something! gordon, you are apology tition. he has a red tie on and blue pants. he's going to be a politician! >> yes, i wanted to speak to the mayor there of, i forget, merisol. you said you don't like being identified as a black mayor, and i can understand that, but to say that people did not -- and that you have a problem with people referring to barack obama as the black president. well, that would be fine if whenever any valid criticism of barack obama was leveled against him, people wouldn't automatically instead of speaking about what is being said, they automatically go on the defensive at any reason acial criticism of barack obama is because he's black, and it is racist in nature, so to say that
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he is the black president and not just the president, he is defended by the black community. >> we were elected by all people, white, black, myself and barack. we don't just represent black people. we represent all people, and we should be respected as that. >> barack obama wants to redistribute the wealth of this country. barack obama said that he wanted a single-payer health plan. he said that. he also -- which is a universal healthcare plan, but if you go to any joe in my neighborhood, well, in my old neighborhood, anybody in my old neighborhood and say that barack obama wants to take our personal freedoms and congress is taking away our personal freedoms, our rights to our bodies, our rights to make our own decisions with our own
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bodies they say you not telling the truth. that's not drew. you are just being brainwashed by glenn beck, and they're just fighting against obama because he's black. they just don't want to see a black president succeed. >> the thing that glenn beck said before is that people are not studying about who we are, how this country was founded and the only way we will be able to stop this, in the black community as well, is until we know who we are, where we really came from, and -- glenn: lisa, hang on. i have to take a break. let me say this before we take a break. america, i think this is -- i think this is where african-american conservatives have a leg up on just plain old conservatives. if you're a conservative, you are accused of starving little children to death, making sure that nobody has education, you just hate everybody coming across the border illegally bought they're different than you, et cetera, so you, as a
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conservative and i don't think liberals really understand this, as a conservative, we're human beings and so you say these things and we go home at night, and say gosh, is that what -- no, and you have to do soul soul searching. you're conservative but you want to starve children? you guys and conservatives, we have soul searched and the only way america is going to survive is if they ask themselves tough questions and you know who you are, are and you know what you believe in, but because we're in this political nightmare where nobody speaks the truth, we're not having honest arguments or conversations about things that are real. >> it is a disconnectedness. this whole african-american business is politically incorrect. yolk, mr. beck -- glenn: you can call me glenn. >> ok, glenn. i don't believe when you're speaking on the phone with your fam yars and you get into a conversation about race or when you're speaking to your race,
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you say i'm talking about that black guy over there, you don't say african-american guy. >> no, no. glenn: but you don't refer to me as a german-american. >> it is stow darn silly, it really s. is. >> but americans are supposed to be past that. we're supposed to be not using an adjective not as a slur or delineation. a
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glenn: will you guys come back again? because we could do, like, 400 shows here. angel, i want to start with you. >> ok. >> i think as conservatives and libertarians, anyone who believes in freedom, one of things -- what we all believe in is that you have a right to your property. your property and your body, and that no one else has a right to tell you how to use that property, and your labor and one of the things we need to focus on is premising all our arguments on that, not that we don't care about poor people, because we do. we recognize that giving people the right to their property is the way for them to move
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forward, and this whole -- and what we have right now is sort of a continuation of the premise of slavery, and that is a premise of slavery. everybody talks about the violence, and that's the thing that people get upset about. that's sort of the ugly flower that comes out of the seed. the seed is planted and that's that you don't own your own self glenn: david. >> i like to keep it to simple basic truths. let's start with everybody has been talking about. there is only one race, human. after, that you're hyphen nateing everything. i cofounded the new york black forum, the new york tea party organization. i have been talked by a tea bagger and was attacked by garofalo a few weeks ago and when you bring me something that means something, i will respond to t nobody defends me but me. back to freedom, if nobody can define me but me, you can never take it away. glenn, you said it. there is more of us than they
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are. we surround them, and the fact is we have to act on it, but we have to do it honestly because what i also hear in this audience are a lot of platitudes of left versus right argument, and not a talk about the real truth underneath that argument. glenn: barbara. >> ok. well, i want to touch on what the reverend was talking about about our children. our children are going astray. the children are raising the parents instead of vice versa. they are going away from the bible. i raised my kids the physical way, children should be seen, not heard, spare the rod, spoil a child, respect your elders. there is none of that going on now. all the kids have to do is pop that thing, drop it like it's hot, all this other stuff, and they need to be taught the constitution, and they need to be taught about the bill of rights. they know every song, every xbox take this out, but nothing about our history, where we're coming
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from, where we're going to. it is always saying we wanted to be raised away from being away from slavery. you go next if you had a
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call the number on your screen to get your free video, brochure and your free hoveround collapsible grabber. call the number on your screen. >> glenn: we could have done like four shows and i would love to have you guys back because we really go ko spend hours here. robert, final thoughts? >> when you talked about the
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obama money. the problem is the heart of the issue is the income tax. the income tax allows the government to practice nepotism and cronyism and spread the wealth around. it goes back to the progressive movement and we have to repeal the income tax. >> the liberals out there, make it plain, straight and clear, there is no utopia, you should wake up every day and thank god as you wake up in america that you are an american. because you to go places like detroit, michigan or gary, indiana and you see what liberalism has done. >> glenn: i would like to new jersey and detroit and all those they are in america. >> i wouldn't be the man i am if it wasn't for conservatism. i have been democratic and republican and conservatist. and its about liberty is my full breed. >> glenn: guysd


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